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Meet The Team


Workplace Peace of Mind



Provide Workplace Peace of Mind through intelligent, intentional, and effective security measures.



1. Happiness Nurtures Productivity​

2. United Effort Strengthens Partnerships

3. Discover and Create Solutions

4. Approach Adversity With Diversity

5. Compassionate Leadership


Our Promise

We elevate the security status-quo by providing our clients with greater emotional intelligence, intentional customer service, and constructive conflict resolution. Priority Protection Group collects organizational intelligence, brings awareness to trending security concerns across your organization, and contributes to effective solutions - informing policies, procedures, and organizational improvement.


Utah Small Business

Priority Protection Group was founded in Utah in 2021, and is a local small business with office headquarters in Historic Downtown Ogden, UT. As a local small business we are able to maintain close visibility of our operations, and hire from the local talent. With the president of the company living in Ogden, the level of care, quality, and concern that he affords his clients is very high-touch and deliberately applied. Priority Protection Group is considered Ogden's most qualified for workplace violence prevention through behavioral threat assessments & employee training.

Contact Us

221 25th St.

Ogden, UT 84401


Thank you! A member of our team will reach out to you soon.

Ogden, Utah Office

221 25th St.

Ogden, UT 84401


Accessibility Statement

Utah Contract Security Company: 13917804-6301

Utah Private Investigator License: P112671

Unique Entity ID (SAM): R2ZFUKFCYGS5


Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved.

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